Tagged: Youth

Baseball and Bullying


Babe’s best friend and teammate, Gonzalez, is being bullied, so Babe steps up to the plate (pun intended.) Oh, and yes, Babe’s parents named him after Babe Ruth. Catcher in the Sky is more than just a fabulous baseball read for middle-grade kids–it also tackles diversity and bullying. And it’s gotten great reviews, too (very grateful for that, thank you!) Bullying is such a heartbreaker for kids and it’s really important to reach the bystanders and friends of the kids who are being bullied to get them to help, not look away. It takes bravery but it’s cool to help, and so not cool to look the other way. It is my hope that Catcher in the Sky helps! http://www.amazon.com/Catcher-in-the-Sky-ebook/dp/B00AFKTTOShttp://www.amazon.com/Catcher-in-the-Sky-ebook/dp/B00AFKTTOS