Category: Society American Baseball Research

Spring Training Smooches


If you love baseball, today is your Valentine’s Day! Love love love that catchers and pitchers report today  in some camps!! Smooch.


Baseball Catcher Con Daily

Came across these great new pics of my great-grandfather, Con Daily, who played for many teams, including the Brooklyn Bridegrooms, who are now the Brooklyn Dodgers. Cool, right?

Cornelius Daily

Cornelius Daily

Opening Day World Series 2014. Go San Francisco Giants



Okay, so I am a huge Yankees fan. But…I will root for the Giants because my great uncle, Ed Daily, played for them (his brother is Con Daily, my great-grandfather, whom I write about a lot on this blog and every chance I get actually.) Ed was an amazing pitcher. He died very young, 29 of TB, the year after he played for the Giants. And in ironies of irony, he died today, October 21st, in Washington, DC. Here’s to you Ed, go Giants 2014! xo


Huge Night for NYC–Hang on Yankees Fans

Siberian Tiger from the Detroit Zoo.

Siberian Tiger from the Detroit Zoo. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Okay, so here’s the bad news. There’s a rain delay in Detroit, Michigan for Game 4.

And, now, the good news. It’s not snow. I mean we’re talking Michigan in October for God’s sakes. It could be snow.

If ever a stadium needs a dome, it’s in the Midwest, right? Anyway, hang on, fans. Think of excuses now to call in late for work tomorrow. It’s going to be a late one!

Happy Birthday Yogi (and my mom) and Happy Mother’s Day Baseball Moms

Andy Pettitte

Andy Pettitte (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

What a ridiculously beautiful day in the Big Apple for Yogi’s b’day and my mom’s. I am also really excited for tomorrow because Andy Pettitte is back in Yankee Stadium and yours truly is going to the game to celebrate Mother’s Day with my son and my mom. I. cannot. wait. A special Mother’s Day to all baseball lovin’ moms out there. And if you’re not, get in the game! It’s never too late. It’ll change your life. Remember, it’s baseball, motherhood and apple pie.

Merry Christmas Baseball Fans

Ed Daily

Image by New York Public Library via Flickr

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to baseball lovers everywhere. For those of you who enjoy learning about Con and Ed Daily‘s life (on and off the field), here’s a look at Con’s stats from Baseball They even list his salary year by year (and he made a lot of money for back then!)

Here are Ed’s stats from the same source:

My family will visit Con’s grave in Queens, NY, this holiday–one year we left a baseball ornament. He’s  buried in the All Faith’s Cemetery in Middle Village. Ed is buried in Mt. Olivet Cemetery in Washington, DC (I have to get down there.)

I hope you all have a wonderful holiday season, a warm-your-heart Christmas Day and, for Met’s fans, Christmas miracles do come true so keep the faith!

New Article On Con Daily and Ed Daily

Con Daily baseball card

Image via Wikipedia

The spanking new Blackstone Valley Press Box, a newspaper devoted to sports,  just published an article I wrote about Con Daily and his brother Ed. I love that Con and Ed are in print, more than a century since they made headlines as Major League players. Here is a link to the article.

Baseball and Brrrrr

My Great-Grandfather Cornelius (Con) Daily

Okay, so winter is finally here in NYC. Ugh. It’s not the cold temps that stink, it’s the fact there’s no baseball!!!! Thankfully, there’s a cool baseball bar in NYC called Foley’s It has tons of baseball memorabilia and really great food, too. It’s a snug spot where you’ll feel very much at home, especially if you’re a baseball fan. Oh, and Foley’s is also home to the Irish Baseball Hall of Fame, I know how cool is that?  So like any good great-granddaughter, I nominated my great-grandfather, Con Daily, last year. He didn’t make it through but I’ll count my lucky shamrocks and try again next year because Con’s the man! Stay tuned! In the meantime, an order of onion rings, a Foley’s famous turkey burger and a Brooklyn Pennant Ale are on deck. Oooow, I wonder if Foley’s serves Irish coffee?!  Baby, it’s cold outside.